Tuesday, April 17, 2012

how i see things

i never thought i'll gonna able to write a blog. but after so many blog hopping session. i decided to put mine up. just a lil bit of thoughts from how i see things. before i go any further with this. this is not any political blog. allowed me to make it crystal clear. this is not. its just my personal opinion and kinda wanna let out from my chest. that's all.
it's kinda sad to see how things are going now. its kinda disturbing also sometimes. guess the sayin is true then. Nothing Last Forever.Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

everything nowadays is being pull into political issue. almost 95%. just freaking look around guys. clear your mind, take a seat and look. shut up and just watch what happen around you. listen to the noise. listen to the voice. listen to the sounds. i have been reading things written in blogs, newspaper and even the damned Facebook. we just cant stop leaving a comment on something without involved it with politics.

This people will say its the goverment fault. that people will say the opposition faults. no one in this world wanna admit if they did something wrong. my bad... not everyone. some do admit. let me correct that before anyone decide to bash me.
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon
but you guys wanna know the most sickening part is. when there is no respect between each other anymore. the morale is not there. the respect from way back all long gone. where is the respect for eldest gone to. where is the respect for other religions gone to? where is the respect for other race or even colors gone to? who are we now? did we ever ask our self the question? don't think so. all we know best is point to each other for any mistake, any problem, any issues.
guess we just being human. as some say, human satisfaction knows no boundaries.

the PRU / election is coming soon. so there will be a lot of issues gonna be raise from either side. my advice to all my fellow countrymen. you can listen or even watch what ever point that being laid in front of you. but don't just listen and watch. think it thru, digest it. and let out one solid answer. don't just blindly choose because of hatred or someone put a gun on ya head. because who ever you choose to lead you. that will be on ya hand. if anything happen next, don't blame anyone. blame you self. don't go "coo koo" suddenly said it's this people fault and that people faults. for once in you life. just tell your self and admit that you....f**ked up. Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

April 18th 2012

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